Register zur Regensburger Verbundklassifikation

Zur Systematik
UB Regensburg
Registerbegriff: RODBERTUS KARL

RNS WD 5355
RNS-Viren WF 4400
XD 7800 - XD 8028
Roa Bastos, Augusto IQ 70830 - IQ 70831
Rob, Ivan KX 8131 - KX 8132
Robben WS 7400
Robbins, Harold HU 7460 - HU 7465
Robbins, Tom HU 7480 - HU 7481
Robert, Joseph IH 77640 - IH 77641
Robertet, Jean IE 5342
Roberts, Charles George Douglas HQ 5670 - HQ 5671
Roberts, Jean-Marc IH 77680 - IH 77681
Roberts, Michèle HN 7580 - HN 7585
Robertson, Morgan HT 6594 - HT 6595
Robertson, Thomas W. HL 4078 - HL 4079
Robespierre, Maximilien de IG 2546
NO 3476
Robin, Armand IH 77760 - IH 77761
Robinet, Jean IH 77800 - IH 77801
Robinson Crusoe HK 1930 - HK 1935
Robinson, Edwin Arlington HU 7600 - HU 7605
Robinson, Henry Crabb HL 4090 - HL 4095
Robinson, Lennox HM 4080 - HM 4081
Robinson, Roland E. HQ 2550 - HQ 2551
Robinsonade EC 6730
ED 3730
Roblès, Emmanuel IH 77880 - IH 77881
Robles Godoy, Armando IQ 51480 - IQ 51481
Roboter CC 7270
Robotik ZM 9050
Robuste Schätzung QH 233
Rocaille LK 89320
Rocca, Gino IV 42920 - IV 42921
Rocca, Guido IV 42960 - IV 42961
Roccatagliata Ceccardi, Ceccardo IV 43000 - IV 43001
Roccellaceae WL 6280
Rocha, Fryco KQ 6400 - KQ 6401
Rocha Monroy, Ramón IQ 57470 - IQ 57471
Rochat, Alain IH 77910 - IH 77911
Roche, Anne IH 77920 - IH 77921
Roché, Henri-Pierre IH 77900 - IH 77901
Roche, Maurice J. IH 78000 - IH 78001
Rochefort, Christiane IH 78080 - IH 78081
Rochefort, Henri IG 7056
Rochlitz, Friedrich GK 7600 - GK 7603
Rocholl, Rudolf BW 37900 - BW 37917
Rockenschaub, Gerwald LI 73350
Rockmusik LS 48000 - LS 48900
LS 48050
Rocky Mountains RT 40000 - RT 40918
RT 40000
RT 40003
RT 40006
RT 40009
RT 40012
RT 40015
RT 40018
RT 40021
RT 40023
RT 40026
RT 40029
RT 40032
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RT 40075
RT 40078
RT 40081
RT 40103
RT 40104
RT 40106
RT 40109
RT 40112
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RT 40126
RT 40129
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RT 40135
RT 40138
RT 40141
RT 40144
RT 40147
RT 40150
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RT 40156
RT 40158
RT 40159
RT 40160
RT 40161
RT 40162
RT 40165
RT 40168
RT 40177
RT 40180
RT 40183
RT 40190
RT 40193
RT 40196
RT 40199
RT 40202
RT 40205
RT 40208
RT 40211
RT 40214
RT 40217
RT 40220
RT 40226
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RT 40232
RT 40235
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RT 40301
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RT 40360
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RT 40399
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RT 40411
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RT 40429
RT 40438
RT 40441
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RT 40459
RT 40462
RT 40480
RT 40483
RT 40486
RT 40489
RT 40492
RT 40495
RT 40501
RT 40507
RT 40513
RT 40516
RT 40519
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RT 40540
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RT 40603
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RT 40615
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RT 40621
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RT 40627
RT 40630
RT 40633
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RT 40639
RT 40642
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RT 40651
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RT 40657
RT 40660
RT 40663
RT 40666
RT 40669
RT 40672
RT 40675
RT 40678
RT 40681
RT 40684
RT 40687
RT 40690
RT 40693
RT 40696
RT 40699
RT 40701
RT 40702
RT 40705
RT 40708
RT 40711
RT 40714
RT 40717
RT 40726
RT 40729
RT 40735
RT 40738
RT 40741
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RT 40747
RT 40750
RT 40753
RT 40756
RT 40759
RT 40762
RT 40765
RT 40768
RT 40771
RT 40774
RT 40777
RT 40780
RT 40783
RT 40786
RT 40789
RT 40792
RT 40795
RT 40798
RT 40801
RT 40805
RT 40808
RT 40811
RT 40814
RT 40818
RT 40820
RT 40823
RT 40826
RT 40829
RT 40835
RT 40838
RT 40841
RT 40844
RT 40850
RT 40853
RT 40856
RT 40859
RT 40865
RT 40868
RT 40871
RT 40874
RT 40877
RT 40878
RT 40900
RT 40903
RT 40906
RT 40909
RT 40912
RT 40915
RT 40918
RU 50000 - RU 50918
RU 50000
RU 50003
RU 50006
RU 50009
RU 50012
RU 50015
RU 50018
RU 50021
RU 50023
RU 50026
RU 50029
RU 50032
RU 50035
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RU 50072
RU 50075
RU 50078
RU 50081
RU 50103
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RU 50675
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RU 50871
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RU 50877
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RU 50900
RU 50903
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RU 50909
RU 50912
RU 50915
RU 50918
Rod, Édouard IG 7057 - IG 7058
Roda Roda, Alexander GM 5206 - GM 5207
Rodari, Gianni IV 43040 - IV 43041
Rodbertus, Karl NK 6777
Rodelsport ZY 7200 - ZY 7209
Rodenbach, Albrecht GU 56400 - GU 56401
Rodenbach, Georges IG 7064 - IG 7065
Rodenko, Paul GU 67793 - GU 67796
Rodeo ZY 7850 - ZY 7859
Rodgers, William Robert HN 7600 - HN 7605
Roding-Kalsing NZ 29505
Roding-Mitterdorf NZ 29505
Roding-Wetterfeld NZ 29505
Roding-Wiesing NZ 29505
Roding-Zimmering NZ 29505
Roditi, Georges IH 78090 - IH 78091
Rodó, José Enrique IQ 84980 - IQ 84981
Rodoreda, Mercè IL 9855
Rodrigo, Saturnino IQ 57480 - IQ 57481
Rodrigues, Armindo IR 8090
Rodrigues, Nelson IQ 93025 - IQ 93026
Rodrigues, Urbano Tavares IR 8095
Rodríguez Acosta, Ofelia IQ 03690 - IQ 03691
Rodríguez de Lena, Pedro IO 5890
Rodriguez Delgado, Claudio IP 7341 - IP 7342
Rodriguez, Luis Felipe IQ 03660 - IQ 03661
Rodríguez Méndez, José María IP 7346 - IP 7347
Rodríguez Monegal, Emir IQ 85000 - IQ 85001
Rodríguez-Alcalá, Hugo IQ 70840 - IQ 70841
Rodziewiczówna, Maria KP 4190 - KP 4191
Roe, Edward Payson HT 6596 - HT 6597
Röhl, Klaus Rainer GN 8584 - GN 8585
Röhm, Ernst NQ 1986
Röhn, Gisela LI 73750
Röhrenblütige WL 9265
WM 5775
Röhricht, Wolf LI 73770
Roelants, Maurice GU 67808 - GU 67809
Roelantslied GU 35030 - GU 35031
Rølvaag, Ole Edvart GW 9434 - GW 9435
Römer NH 7050
Roemer, Astrid GU 67825 - GU 67826
Römer, Friedrich von NP 2558
Römische Liturgie BS 1600
BS 1620
BS 1630
BS 1640
BS 1700
BS 1710
BS 1720
BS 1750
BS 1760
BS 1770
BS 1780
BS 1800
BS 1810
BS 1820
BS 1850
BS 1860
BS 1880
BS 1900
Römische Ziffer AM 29200
Römisches Recht BR 8500
BR 8550
BR 8600
NH 8450
Römisches Reich AP 83500
BE 7250 - BE 7259
BE 7250 - BE 7409
BE 7250
BE 7251
BE 7252
BE 7253
BE 7254
BE 7255
BE 7256
BE 7257
BE 7258
BE 7259
BE 7400 - BE 7409
BE 7400
BE 7401
BE 7402
BE 7403
BE 7404
BE 7405
BE 7406
BE 7407
BE 7408
BE 7409
BO 2340
BS 5030
FB 4012
FB 4020
FB 4032
FB 4033
FB 4042
FB 4052
FB 4062
FB 4068
FB 4072
FB 4082
FB 4092
FB 4102
FB 4112
FB 4122
FB 4132
FB 4142
FB 4152
FB 4162
FX 370998 - FX 371305
LF 1405
MC 2700
NG 1600
NH 5250
NH 5285
NH 5290
NH 7200
NH 7325
NH 8450
NH 8550
NH 8560
NH 8575
ZX 4500
Röntgenastronomie US 1650
Röntgenaufnahmetechnik YR 2500
Röntgendiagnostik YR 2200 - YR 2799
Röntgenfluoreszenzspektroskopie UQ 5600
Röntgengrobstrukturanalyse ZM 3700
Röntgen-Kleinwinkelstreuung UV 3400
Röntgenlaser UH 5638

© Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg, realisiert von Sepp Kuffer